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A bafflingly small population cap means you'll very rarely field more than a dozen units, so 5v5 multiplayer bl matches are your only hope of seeing anything like the scale of olden C&Cs. No tiberium or power is necessary to spit out their pitifully small armies of soldiers, tanks, planes and robo-suits - simply time. These huge machines are both factory and major unit, varying in build options and ability depending on if you opt for Offence, Defence (Ss and have changed to Cs to protect innocent British minds) or Support class. Base building and resource collection is gone, replaced by a class-based system centred around re-spawning Crawlers. Take away the cutscenes and there's no way you'd guess this is a C&C game. This isn't so much throwing the baby out with the bath water as it is drowning every other baby on the street in the process. Presumably, this is just the same-old build a base and go bash another guy's base routine, right? Absolutely not.

#Get command and conquer free series#

C&C is the populist father of real-time strategy games, and the longest-running series in the genre. There is, of course, much more to this game than videos starring a bald guy with a small beard. Long-running sci-fi has a habit of ending unsatisfyingly, but unlike, say, Battlestar Galactica (which, in music and in sets, C&C4 borrows hilariously liberally from) and its silly religious finale, this doesn't even try to give answers. Even so, this so-called conclusion will leave you thumping your desk and readying angry letters containing the repeated use of the word 'disgusted' as it comes to its final, woeful cutscene. If you've been following C&C story, in all its campy, contradictory and clearly made up as it goes along glory, since the early '90s, then you may not have the highest expectations of its storytelling ability. The supporting cast, all newcomers to the story and actors you won't recognise, are either a) annoying, b) terrible, c) constantly crying, or d) annoying, terrible and constantly crying.

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We get some more hints which simply repeat what's gone before, and a big dumb cliff-hanger which doesn't give any closure. EA promised us we'd find out who Kane is and what he really wants. This is the end of a long-running C&C storyline. His distractingly less-than imperious voice is just the final straw in a massive haystack of lousy production values and even lousier plotting. If anything, he's the only tolerable actor in this, who, in the few moments the script makes sense, tries to add a little subtlety to a character who's previously been a pantomime villain. Lest that sound a bit cruel, C&C4's failure to reach the heights of its predecessors is not face-of-Kane Joe Kucan's fault.

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